Cult Status

Jesse James Wroblewski was built for creating one thing, however there is no word in the English language for it.

The Japanese call it Otaku which translates as:
“The space between a hobby and an obsession”

Brand Differentiation Expertise

Visually and emotionally Jesse says the closest thing to explaining it is “that feeling you experience when you create a connection with a brand so strong that people of all walks of life express their allegiance and the fire they have inside for that brand by throwing up the hand sign known as the devil horns”.

It’s when your customers are so passionate about your brand they actually will you to succeed.

It’s connecting with your demographic so authentically they’d get a tattoo of your logo on their body.

brand differentiation expert

Department stores with super selections are being reduced to rubble before our eyes and being replaced with farmers markets and artisanal, curated products. This tipping point forecasts the current human climate change and the new, burning desire to connect with something deeper, something more, much more than another “big corporate brand.”

This is where I live.
This is what I'm built for.
I take products from commodity to cult status.

– Jesse James Wroblewski
Brand Differentiation Expert

Marketing for super villains

Our first book on meaningful brand differentiation is already an up-and-coming cult classic in the marketing industry!